Categories / Drama


YU Hon-ting

Veteran theater playwright, director and actor. As Artistic Director of Drama Gallery, Yu won Best Script Award and Best Supporting Actor (Comedy-Farce) Award at The Hong Kong Drama Awards. His works NitehawkCountry Teacher and Mannequin were awarded Top Ten Most Popular Productions

Obtained Advanced Diploma in Directing at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (1993). Founded Drama Gallery in 1998 with Gladys Liu, a renowned actress in local theatre sector

Written and directed over 50 plays. With attentive observations of humanities, Yu is keen on catching human complex emotions in the contemporary era. Recent works include Crimson in a Haunted TheatreCountry TeacherVagabond the MusicalHello in ThereTruly I do and Deadline which were performed in New York and Shanghai respectively (2013)
