Categories / Dance



Enrolled in the Song and Dance Arts School in Beijing in 1998. Joined the Chinese opera and Dance Theatre, Guangzhou Song and Dance Troupe after graduation. Joined Guangdong Modern Dance Company (2005-2007) and toured internationally

Received full scholarship from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and received Bachelor’s degree (2007-2009). Joined City Contemporary Dance Company before BFA graduation. Commissioned by Hong Kong Arts Festival Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series (2012-2014, 2016)

Artist Residency in Korea’s Seoul International Dance Festival Dance Exchange, Singapore’s Contemporary Dance Festival CONTACT and d’MOTION International Dance Festival in Malaysia (2013), and Vienna’s Impulse Dance Festival danceWEB Scholarship(2014)

Choreographies include AutorunCubeRush, Pied-a-terreOutspoken (42nd Hong Kong Arts Festival), Nothing… But something (Hong Kong Dance Alliance and WDA showcase at Angers, France)

Recently completed Residency in Yale University as Arts Fellow of Yale China Association (Jan 2015 – July 2016)
