Categories / Dance


WONG Mei-yuk, Rebecca

Wong graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) in 2003, majoring in Modern Dance. She was awarded the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund Scholarship to further her studies at the Laban Centre in England where she received the Graduate Diploma in Performance in 2004. She was financially supported by K. K. Chak Memorial Scholarship and Hong Kong Association of University Woman and received a MFA degree at HKAPA in 2014

Wong has worked with various well-known local and international artists, and she has been choreographing since 2009. Her works include Hits or MissYou Are SpecialRight Here Right NowI am here, In … Dark, and BaresthesiaA Hollowed Mind, commissioned by City Contemporary Dance Company commission, was presented in 2013. Wong presented Hollowed 2.0 in Malaysia and Macau in 2015
