Categories / Drama


Theatre Ronin

Theatre Ronin is founded by Alex Tam Hung Man in 2006, who has also served as its Artistic Director. The company is currently a recipient of the three-year grant by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. 
The repertoire of Theatre Ronin is inspired by the immensity of fine scenery in human experience. Through the use of highly romantic imageries on stage, it endeavours to preserve the world’s reminiscent beauty before its aura vanishes in the age of new media. 
Theatre Ronin is dedicated to creating a distinctively imaginative performing style by exploring contemporary theatrical language and the aesthetics of the Theatre of Imagery. Its theatrical works stem from various materials as well as the culture and literature of Hong Kong. Many of its works are invited to arts festivals in France, the United Kingdom, Argentina, Taiwan and mainland China. Recent productions include Hoichi the Earless (UK, France and Hong Kong), Wilderness of Soul 2.0 (6th City Festival in Shenzhen in 2019), Fallen and Playing with XiXi (Best Space Award in the 10th Taipei Fringe Festival in 2017). 




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