Categories / Music


Hong Kong Harmonica Association

Hong Kong Harmonica Association (HKHA) was formed in 2002. It aims to promote the art of harmonica music and related cultural exchanges in Hong Kong and the nearby regions. Besides regular performances, it organises and participates in various cultural activities, including the World EXPO in Shanghai and International Horticultural EXPO in Xian. The Association plays an active role on international stages, supporting and participating in the quadrennial World Harmonica Festivals and the biennial Asia Pacific Harmonica Festivals (APHF) and the post concerts. Along its path to pursue its objectives, the Association also participated in each of the Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme and Community Broadcast Scheme twice on promotion of harmonica art.

HKHA’s repertoires embrace a variety of music including classical and modern western music, traditional Chinese music, original compositions by Hong Kong composers and Hong Kong Canto-Pop music. Moreover, to showcase the unique art form of the harmonica, its programmes include various combinations ranging from solo, duet, trio, ensemble to orchestra which will certainly give the audience a remarkable music journey.




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